Sunday, December 29, 2019

Science Paper

Science paper represents a written report aimed at describing available research findings on a particular scientific topic. The requirements for a science paper are similar to other academic works and include the presence of an introduction with a thesis statement, several body paragraphs pointing out the findings and a conclusion summarizing presented materials and offering further discussion. Genetically Modified Organisms Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) can be defined as artificially created organisms by inserting certain genes originating from an external source into other unrelated species. The advantages and disadvantages of GMOs remain a widely discussed topic both in the scientific community and among the wide public. There are a lot of scientific studies on this topic suggesting the benefits of GMOs including fatty organisms, proteins, and promises in gene therapy. A review of recent studies in the field will demonstrate that GMOs bring significant benefits for humanity. The advancements in biotechnology have made it possible to overcome a wide range of earlier insurmountable physiological barriers by exchanging genetic materials among different organisms. The benefits of GMOs is supported by numerous scientific studies. In accordance with the research performed by Lai and colleagues, GMOs is used for feeding transgenic pigs that produce meat rich in omega-3 fatty acid. These pigs are the result of gene technology and created by inserting specific genes into ordinary pigs. Lai and colleagues found out that transgenic pigs produced meat with six times increase in n-3 fatty acids. These findings underline the benefits of GMOs since Omega-3 fatty acid constitutes an essential element for human health improving the immune system. GMOs are also actively used in agriculture. In the article written by Maghari and Ardekani, the authors pointed out that the cultivation of genetically modified crops produces millions of tons of food that otherwise could not be grown. The advances in the production of genetically modified crops helped the industry produce foods on lands that earlier were regarded as inappropriate for agriculture. GMOs are also actively used in the milk industry. The differences between human and cow milk often become the reason for allergies among infants who are fed with baby food. With the help of GMO technology, scientists have succeeded to significantly reduce the amount of allergen contained in the milk. Therefore, genetic modification has become a solution for making BLG free milk that can be safely used for producing baby food. The study performed by Jabed and colleagues showed that the composition of milk produced by transgenic cows was free of BLG A and BLG B that are thought to cause allergic reactions. Hence, GMOs have solved the problem of an allergic reaction to cow milk among infants by creating transgenic cows producing hypoallergenic milk. Another study on GMOs supporting its benefits for humanity was performed on pancreas of pigs used for producing insulin. Houdebine in his article explained that transgenic techniques allowed scientists to extract insulin from the pancreas of pigs that is later used by diabetic patients. Therefore, GMOs have made it possible to produce cheap and safe insulin for diabetic patients. To conclude, the benefits of GMOs are hard to underestimate. This science paper demonstrated only three studies in the field providing supportive evidence in favor of GMOs. With the help of transgenic techniques, people have an opportunity to produce meat rich in omega-3 fatty acid that is vital for human immune system. Transgenic cows produce hypoallergenic milk that can be safely used in baby food without the fear of allergic reactions. Finally, GMOs are used in pharmacology for producing insulin from the pancreas of pigs. References Maghari, B. Ardekani, A. (2017). Genetically Modified Foods and Social Concerns. Avicenna Journal Of Medical Biotechnology, 3(3), 109-117. Houdebine, L. (2009). Production Of Pharmaceutical Proteins By Transgenic Animals. Microbiology And Infectious Diseases, 32(2), 107-121. Jabed, A. et al. (2012). Targeted Microrna Expression In Dairy Cattle Directs Production Of -Lactoglobulin-Free, High-Casein Milk. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences, 109(2), 16811-16816. doi:10.1073/pnas.1210057109. Lai, L. et al. (2012). Generation Of Cloned Transgenic Pigs Rich In Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Nature Biotechnology, 24(4), 435-436. doi:10.1038/nbt1198. Verma, C., Nanda, S., Mishra, S. (2011). A Review on Impacts of Genetically Modified Food on Human Health. The Open Nutraceuticals Journal, 4(1), 3-11.

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